Relay Relay Relay: To My Sons of Humanity.

Mother Mary:

To My Sons of Humanity, you have much work to do in the World, in the protection and leadership of LOVE ON THIS PLANET NOW. You too, have been lead down a path of self-service, hardness, and pride in the strength of your bodies, but not in your hearts. The best things in life have been accomplished with an open heart and courage. Men have been tasked with Loving and Protecting those in need of protection on the Earth, most especially, at this time in Humanities’ growth. What is sweeping the Earth at this time, as it has been cultivated, is a certain helplessness in Men in relation to their work of protecting the future generations with respect, strength, and Heart. It is time for all men to become what God meant you to be from the beginning of the separation between Male and Female. Look around you, my sons, and know and see the Work that you Must do for yourselves and for humanity as a Whole. Remember, that you have, each of you, the Heart of a Lion! You Must let go of the helplessness, you Must all come back into your Manhood, the work you were put here for, to protect the generations to come, who are tasked with building this New World. Look around at the wrongs that are being done all over the world to your sisters and brothers, reach deeply into your self confidence, tender heartedness, strength, and love. Use this knowledge for the protection of the Earth Herself, the women and the children. Rise up from the place you have been relegated to, open to the World and show your Heart, your Strengths, and your WILL! Show your tenderness to the ill, to the women, to the children, and all of those in need of your help. Set the ego aside and give freely as you have never done before. This is your Work! This is your Honor-Bound Duty to bring the Earth into balance with the masculine and the feminine. You are not helpless children. You are strong men. Own that Manhood! You are Greatly Loved. You are strong. And you can allow your sensitivity and compassion to show to the World, the way of the New Man.

Remember that you have all of the assistance of the Ascended Masters and the Great Warriors of Light, they stand beside you in your great transformation of the World into a better and more beautiful Love Filled Space. Goodnight my Dears, sleep well, You are Loved. I Am Mother Mary. 

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle, 1:55AM pacific time, 7/6/2024.