Relay Relay Relay Mother Mary 7/24/2024

Relay Relay Relay – Mother Mary –

For All Of Humanity:

I Am Mother May and I watch your progression or your regression. Some of you prefer the comfort of the old and the comfortable in which you can hang out, going over and over the same dilemmas of yesteryear. Is this not fear? What stops you from your forward progression as you walk into the new? Has the “old” been so much more comfortable than the new and the peaceful? Yes there is “risk” in the new, but there is also a great reward. But, in order to get there you must all face what you avoid. It is time to be truthful with yourselves about how far you are willing to grow into the New World and its’ “making”. Many of you allow yourselves to stay in the past and not go forth into something new and better. Growth takes courage. Growth is forward looking. Growth is reaching into the future, rather than the past for your answers. You all know your stumbling blocks, and that which you don’t want to face. So really, it is up to you. Do not pull others back because you don’t want to stand alone and by yourself. If you haven’t done your work on yourselves, stay and do it. Self examination takes courage and honesty. Instinctively, you all know that. You cannot not keep pulling on people to stay behind with you. If you don’t want to go forward with your own courage to face yourselves, stop pulling others back to the place you want to stay in. Facing the self is a lonely place to be. You cannot have company, have a good time, it isn’t pleasant. But it is necessary for growth. Think of others before pulling them off their paths because you don’t want to face the truth of you. We watch your struggles, we help to intervene at times. But some of you stay in that place that got you there. Thinking only of the self, thinking only of the past, not growing up, not being humble, humble enough to ask for help. You know, the Human condition. Well, the Human condition has to resolve itself into a new way of seeing life, seeing it as a grateful, heartfelt thing, that you feel. A gift. Instead of misery, feeling sorry for ones self. Compassion is a good thing, but when you know that you are not doing the best you can for yourself, in a humble way, what do you call that? Growth takes courage, honesty, impeccability, and Love.

You are in a time as you know of great change, keeping oneself in balance and the truth of who you are, and compassion for others, is what is needed now! You are all grown-up people. Where is your courage? Where is your heart for others? Where is your love for your fellow inhabitants of this planet? When you know that All are suffering. The Warriors of Light reading these messages know what they should do and you have been whining children, turning away from your work, some of you. Others are holding still, strong, and with open hearts. This is your time of choosing, vacillating back and forth between what you want and what you don’t want should be over by now, but I see many of you, angry that the big change hasn’t come. Well my dears you are the ones who are to bring the Big Change! Many of you stay in the stagnant positions that you are in, for a long time, and wait for something to happen. You are the ones who will MAKE it to happen, when you decide enough harshness, anger, and coldness has been felt. You are to create a New World. But, all I hear, or much of what I hear, is complaints. Children, whining about how hard it is. It is hard because all of you created this situation. You are the men and the women of the planet. You are not the children any longer. You are to do the work for yourselves. And you Do know what that is. You are guided and you are loved. And yet, you still pull back, don’t want to take the next steps. And if that is so, stay behind. This work takes great courage and honesty with the self. AH-HO. Mother Mary. 11:06 pm 7/24/2024

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle.

Relay Relay Relay – Mother Mary