Mother Mary 8/31/2024 (:

Relay Relay Relay  Mother Mary

Be patient a while longer for what you are waiting for, It will come to pass at the appointed time. While time seems to pass very slowly to those of you who have been following the changes that are happening in your societies all over the Earth, you are actually in an acceleration, the closer you get to your goal. The people of the Earth ARE awakening and beginning to understand what has been happening to stop the New Beginning. You are gradually adjusting to the new circumstances and while you may not think this is happening, all over, it Is. Your Future. Beginning right now! Do not clutch to the fear of the past. This is the time to open your arms wide to your new beginnings! Tap into the courage that you have had, all along, but have not acknowledged, that you are strong warriors who are here to change how you live on Mother Earth. Your ascension is beginning. It may not seem beautifully flowery yet, but you are just beginning to own the strength of the God Within You, and learning that you alone, the people of the Earth, are the ones with the power of your Creator, standing next to you in love and compassion. Many of you have waited for a very long time, many lifetimes, to get to the place where humanity is Right Now! There is no faltering now, stand true and receive the Gift that you have awaited, for so long. Peace on Earth. Peace within all Hearts of Humanity. Be tender with all, including yourself. Be a warrior of the Light when you are called to do so. And Live in your Integrity.

Good night my Dears, we will talk soon,

Mother Mary.

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle.

11:44pm Pacific Time 8/31/2024.